Yoga is a traditional Indian practice that can benefit your mind and body. It is never too late to start Yoga and reap the benefits. The mere mention of Yoga may bring to your mind complex inversions and intimidating poses. However, this should not discourage you from practising physical activity.
Easy Yoga Poses to Try as a Beginner
When enrolling in the best Yoga classes in Kolkata, you will get a guided approach from an expert practitioner. If you are trying yoga for the first time, you can expect to begin with some simple poses. We suggest some common poses that are easy to recreate.
- Balasana: It is a foundational pose that serves as a great reset during any class. To try this pose, kneel on the floor and bring your bigger toes together. Sit on your heels, separate your knees and exhale to rest your torso between the thighs. Rest your arms along your thighs and reach your hands out for an extended Child’s pose.
- Anjaneyasana: Traditional Yoga focuses on stretching the body to open your muscles. Begin by facing downward and step your right foot forward. Lower your left knee to the mat and slide the left leg back until you feel a gentle stretch through the front of the left thigh. Now inhale as you sweep your arms out to the sides.
- Utthita Parsvakonasana: Also known as an extended side angle pose, it increases balance and strength in the body. It requires you to bend your knees and place your arms in a T-position with the palms facing down. Extend your right arm over the right ear with the palm facing down and hold the pose for at least 30 seconds.
These are a few easy poses that can help you get the basic idea of practising Yoga. If you want to train with the experts, consult The Viksit Jivan. We are regarded as the best Yoga classes in Kolkata where you can get help from experts. For more details, you can visit our website today.